vineyard trellising

vineyard trellising

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Here at Jim’s Supply Co., Inc., they always preach that a high quality trellis produces high quality grapes. Providing its clients with the finest trellising tools and equipment available, all fashioned from high-grade materials. Jims Supply carries everything you’ll need for your vineyard or orchard trellis system including: Wire, Clips & Ties, Wire tightening Devices and Tools, Grow Tubes, Fasteners, U-bolts, Bird Netting, Animal Fencing, and Erosion Control, Pruning Tools, Scales and Refractometers. With three fully stocked and professionally staffed locations, along with a fleet of over 20 trucks, Jims Supply is equipped to meet all your vineyard supply and orchard supply needs. Their unique manufacturing process allows them to remain the leader in price point and overall quality, clearly setting us ahead of their competition. Their most recent innovation has been the Super Stake Grande and the Crimped Edge Vertical Line Stake, now two of their most popular vertical trellising stakes.

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