you could learn to become a sietmfatter who would focus on the installation of boilers, start up, and the piping involved with it.You could learn to become a boilermaker which may focus on the construction of boilers and other pressure vessels often much much larger too.You could also go to school to become a power engineer which would be the type of person who might run this boiler or be in charge of it’s daily operation in a plant. Those would be the three main people who work on boilers.

you could learn to become a sietmfatter who would focus on the installation of boilers, start up, and the piping involved with it.You could learn to become a boilermaker which may focus on the construction of boilers and other pressure vessels often much much larger too.You could also go to school to become a power engineer which would be the type of person who might run this boiler or be in charge of it’s daily operation in a plant. Those would be the three main people who work on boilers.

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