Memo: to day instead of today is cllaed a typo. And yes, the tech experts should be believed because they KNOW WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT. As for your BP complaint, that spill happened BECAUSE proper protocol (devised by, let me think, experts?) was not followed.GM’s (not GE’s ) are much safer than you understand as an example, the salmon in this article is engineered to produce more of a hormone that it already produces naturally there aren’t any unusual hormone cocktails being fed to them. And do you really think hormones from a FISH (genetically unrelated to people) have analogous receptors in people?I give GM a two-thumbs up, as long as environmental and other potential hazards are properly researched and accounted for in the design of the organisms in question. Because at the end of the day, when the world needs food, which is safer using massive amounts of fertilizer, pesticides, and hormones to squeeze biomass out of systems that aren’t capable of generating it, or simply tweaking the genetic makeup to allow clean, environmental-and-health conscious large-scale food production (in systems, by virtue of their GM’s, that are innately capable of producing that output)?Susan, until you’ve done research/have an understanding of what you’re talking about, keep your emotionally charged blustering to yourself.