I’m torn – I’m the State Coordinator for Project Appleseed, and I was also just named to the board of directors for the Gun Owner’s Action League. So both ortinazagions could use those products!Project Appleseed – I’d have some large vinyl banners made: one for use at gun shows, with our name on it, and one for use at the shoots – this one would have a map showing the routes that Paul Revere, William Dawes, Colonel Smith (and his Redcoats) and Hugh Lord Percy (and HIS Redcoats!) took from Boston to Concord and back again on 4/19/1775. I’d have some “yard signs” made as directional signs showing the direction to the ranges that we hold our shoots at. I’d have business cards made up for our Instructors, all with a 1″ square on the back and the Rifleman’s Challenge. Heck, if I can squeeze them out of that $500, I’d even get some car magnets made up for the Instructors to serve as rolling billboards for Project Appleseed.For GOAL, I’d simply talk to the good people in Northboro and find out where $500 of printing services can be best used to continue GOAL’s excellent work of supporting the gun owners of the Bay State – most likely for printing envelopes, cards & rack cards, I’d imagine. Office Manager Tara would get the joyous task of thinking what to do with it!Actually, Jay… if you do choose me I’ll have to split it up between the two ortinazagions.

I’m torn – I’m the State Coordinator for Project Appleseed, and I was also just named to the board of directors for the Gun Owner’s Action League. So both ortinazagions could use those products!Project Appleseed – I’d have some large vinyl banners made: one for use at gun shows, with our name on it, and one for use at the shoots – this one would have a map showing the routes that Paul Revere, William Dawes, Colonel Smith (and his Redcoats) and Hugh Lord Percy (and HIS Redcoats!) took from Boston to Concord and back again on 4/19/1775. I’d have some “yard signs” made as directional signs showing the direction to the ranges that we hold our shoots at. I’d have business cards made up for our Instructors, all with a 1″ square on the back and the Rifleman’s Challenge. Heck, if I can squeeze them out of that $500, I’d even get some car magnets made up for the Instructors to serve as rolling billboards for Project Appleseed.For GOAL, I’d simply talk to the good people in Northboro and find out where $500 of printing services can be best used to continue GOAL’s excellent work of supporting the gun owners of the Bay State – most likely for printing envelopes, cards & rack cards, I’d imagine. Office Manager Tara would get the joyous task of thinking what to do with it!Actually, Jay… if you do choose me I’ll have to split it up between the two ortinazagions.

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